Thursday, December 10, 2009

Germany Q's

okay. Its been 7 days already now it's finally up to us to post our feelings and what we have learnt these past few days.

the weathers has been sooooo coooooold...rain and wind throughout the afternoon these past few days and even in prague. Even then we did our best to maximise our learning be it indoors or outdoors.

Traveling to euroupe have been exhausting, not only got to do with the time difference, there is also the weather being extremely cold. But nevertheless, i enjoyed myself throughly throughout the whole trip and learned many things which i may never learn.

it was about dividing post-war germany, on the other hand the 3 countries wanted to spread their own ideologies. for example the soviet union wanted to spread communism to the areas they were given control to. it was also about post war orders, peace treaty issues and countering the effects of war, trying to prevent another world war from happening.

the most involved groups were the soviets. the americans and the british and althought the french signed the treaty, they did not play a significant role at the conference in portsdam.

the americans and the british did not honour their commitments as they gave an excuse that they had to answer to their parliaments. the french argued that they did not play a huge role in the meetings. so they did not have to abide the terms of the treaty either. then ultimately only the soviets where binded.

at berlin, we have seen some of the major attractions like the berlin wall, reichstag castle, the holocaust memoriale and chack point charlie.the berlin wall proved to be a barrier between communism and socialism in central europe. many lives where lost and the demolition of the wall was a significant part of germany's history as it resulted in the merge of east ans west german. and most importantly the end of aommunism in germany.

the reichstag burning was a major factor to why hitler could gain complete control of germany because the Nazi party faced strong competitions from the communist rivals. then hitler gained the trust of the citizens as he promised to end communism in germany.

the holocaust memoriale allowed us to understand how the jews suffered during the nazi regime.

checkpoint charlie was the gate point of the border control where the east germans were allowed to go over to west germany.

we have noticed some differences between the to cities we have been to, dresden and berlin.
the temperature ranges between 1-5 degrees while raining most of the time. the food has a few differences though. dresden serves more of a balanced meal compared to berlin who is more concerned about the main course serving size.

in the context of architecture, berlin is much more historical and medieval while dresden is more modernised.

the roads in dresden are cobble stones therefore it's impossible for heavy vehicles like our bus to enter. however, the roads are made of granite thus allowing us to access many places.

1 comment:

  1. Pan Pedro Kontaktní e -mailové údaje, To mi pomohlo s půjčkou 200 000,00 eur na zahájení mého podnikání a jsem velmi vděčný, bylo pro mě opravdu těžké snažit se udělat cestu jako svobodná matka, ale s pomocí pana Pedro Když sleduji, jak se moje firma roste silnější a také se rozšiřuje.
    Vím, že vás možná překvapí, proč tu takové věci dávám, ale opravdu musím vyjádřit svou vděčnost, takže kdokoli, kdo hledá finanční pomoc nebo prochází útrapami s jejich obchodem nebo chce zahájit obchodní projekt utrpení ..
